Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Philosophy of New Earth Ministries

 The environment was given to us by God out of his love for us. He wants us to be able to produce food abundantly and enjoy the beauty of his creation. If we love Him and our children we must care for the natural world. NEM is investing at TSW to support the use of the environment for sustainable, organic and local food production. Also, TSW in its short history, is a tremendous testimony of the human community, especially the faith community, coming together in selfless love for God, fellow human beings and His creation.
Three challenges we face today are solving our pollution problems, creating a consciousness for protecting the environment and increasing food production.
In service together, we can overcome the selfish, endless greed for material goods. We can all find the deeper joy of living to create a culture of respect and love. This blog is a record of completing the construction of a large hoop house at the Samaritan Women Project.  I would like to give thanks to all the volunteers who helped and record the steps planting, growing and harvesting the crops.

Attaching Polyethylene End Wall

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

End Walls completed

Snow Removal Team

Snow Removal Team

Unjeung's crew

Hard workers

Framing the end walls

We can began framing the endwall the first Saturday in February.  It was only about 30 degrees but the volunteers still came out.  We are very grateful to Jim Parrish and his son Kyle who brought the tools and the skills to lead the construction work.  Our friends from Mosaic Ministries and St Pauls church in Laurel also came and did a great job.  Thanks again to my family and friends from Lovin' Life Ministries who pitched in on this day!